The best movie moments on Men in Black ever.

It seems that everyone has a different point of view what is the best likes and dislikes on Men in Black write some comments below to tell a little about what and why you think is the best likes and dislikes on The Men in Black that are up to date older date or change the number of the list if you choose to. Fill free to express your self.

The action moments.

  • Alien attacks the Border Patrol agent then K fire his gun and destroyed the alien.

  • Stopping the Bug from getting into the ship.

The Funny moments.

  • An Alien refugees in side a truck containing illegal immigrants.

  • New York police officer (Will Smith) jumps off the edge on to a bus full of people and said it's raining black people in New York.

  • Agent K is neuralize the people he sees that see aliens.

  • Making up stores of people lives after they have been neuralize.

  • Agent K fighting the dog name Frank the Pug in the middle of the street.

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