The best movie moments on Alien vs Predator requiem (2007) ever.

The best parts.

  • The Alien almost look like a Predator.

  • More details about the Predators ship and its home world.

  • The Aliens taking over the town.

  • A human is using the Predators weapon to kill the Aliens.

  • The Atomic bomb explode in the center of the town.

The surprising parts.

  • The guys girlfriend got killed.

  • The Colonel miss lead all the people in the town to go the center.

  • The USA army has the Predators weapon.

It seems that everyone has a different point of view what is the best likes and dislikes on Alien vs. Predator requiem (2007) so write some comments below to tell a little about what and why you think is the best likes and dislikes on Alien vs. Predator requiem (2007) that are up to date older date or change the number of the list if you choose to. Fill free to express your self.

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