The best movie moments on Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter ever.

The Best moments.

Henry Sturges as Dominic Cooper saves Abraham Lincoln from the vampire.

Lincoln fighting Barts by riding in the middle of a herd of horses.

Henry Sturges as Dominic Cooper is a vampire

Henry Sturges as Dominic Cooper can't kill vampires be cause he is one.

The troops can't kill the vampires runing at them on battles front lines.

Abraham Lincoln fight the vampires on the train.

It seems that everyone has a different point of view what is the best likes and dislikes on Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter so write some comments below to tell a little about what and why you think is the best likes and dislikes on  Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter that are up to date older date or change the number of the list if you choose to. Fill free to express your self.

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