The best movie moments on X-Men 2 or X2 (film).

It seems that everyone has a different point of view what is the best likes and dislikes on X-Men 2 or X2 (film). so write some comments below to tell a little about what and why you think is the best likes and dislikes on X-Men 2 or X2 (film). that are up to date older date or change the number of the list if you choose to. Fill free to express your self.

The Bad Parts of the Film.

  • An raid in the Professor X Mansion.

  • Jean died.

  • Stryker son Jason looks creepy.

The Good parts of the Film.

  • Pyro destroying the police cars.

  • Nightcrawler teleporting in the white house.

  • Professor Inside and using the Cerebro to find Nightcrawler.

  • Magneto escape from his plastic prison.

  • Wolverine got shot in the head.

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